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KNIS Kicks Off Iowa 'New Economy' Symposium

By State of the USA
October 22, 2010


Students and faculty at the University of Iowa were introduced to the new Key National Indicator System and the State of the USA's work this week, as the university's Public Policy Center hosted a three-day symposium, "Balancing Lives: Best Policies for the New Economy."

Christopher Hoenig, the president and chief executive officer of the State of the USA, began day one with an address and question-and-answer session for the 150-plus students, faculty and others in attendance.

Ariana Witt of the Daily Iowan covered Hoenig's presentation for the university newspaper:

"When speaker Chris Hoenig asked if those in attendance were unsure if America was on the right track to restoring its economy, more than half raised their hands," she wrote.

" 'In my opinion, to be an American is to believe in progress,' Hoenig said. 'The problem is, we have no real way to know if our country is headed in the right direction, toward the correct degrees of change.' "

Read Witt's full article and watch a video clip of the event: Public Policy Center's Guest Lecture Boosts Statistics Site.

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