The State of the USA is focused on complete independence with regard to institutional governance, research parameters, scientific standards, evaluation criteria and operational matters. This independence and dedication to quality will make it a gold standard for the best data about the world we live in.

Paul Brest President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
» Read What Others are Saying
Kids Reading Study Highlights Concerns, Opportunities


A new study on the reading habits of kids finds digital or electronic devices may have a negative effect on reading time, family time and physical activity -- and 39 percent of children ages 9 to 17 years old think that the information that they find online is always correct. Use an interactive graph to see how advances in digital technology are changing a generation of young Americans.

Report Highlights Indicators of Child Well-Being

Child_Stats_Teaser.jpgA new federal report on children in America includes some promising news on pre-term birth, teenage pregnancy and health care coverage. The report, which covers the health, activities, and general well-being of America's kids, found less promising statistics on child poverty and food security. Explore "America's Children in Brief" using an interactive reader.

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