The State of the USA is focused on complete independence with regard to institutional governance, research parameters, scientific standards, evaluation criteria and operational matters. This independence and dedication to quality will make it a gold standard for the best data about the world we live in.

Paul Brest President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
» Read What Others are Saying
New Data on How Older Americans Are Faring

Older_Americans_2010_Teaser.JPGNet-worth disparities among races and education levels, more older women in the labor force and a growing veteran population are among the highlights of a new government report on indicators of aging in the U.S.

Grandpa's Outnumbered: Generations and Populations

agepopthmb.gifHow have percentages of men vs. women in a given generation changed over time? And what unique factors might be in play from one 20th century generation to the next?

Want to Be Happy? Grow Up, Says New Study

agehappy.jpgHappiness comes with age -- age 50 to be exact -- according to a new report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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